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Bucket List. At first i thought this just men’t a list that had different types of buckets on it.  Due to my lack of knowledge on the real meaning I never decided to write one. Yet it wasn’t until I started to notice that when people die, a lot of them regret not achieving something they wished they had. Imagine dying with the agony of not experiencing moments you dreamed of. Not living your life to the full potential. Now that can be a contradiction. Isn’t living day to day and making sure you survive potential enough? Or do we have to climb the biggest mountain or become a prestige doctor in order to “live to the full potential” I believe that the significance of living to the full potential depends on the person’s true meaning of contentment. Theirs people who could be poor as an ally cat and be content with drinking a nice cold beer, or be a millionaire and be fulfilled with watching a butterfly land on a flower. Happiness depends of the Individual itself so the meaning should be “live your life to your fullest potential” because nobody knows your potential better than yourself. So by living your life with the things that put you on cloud nine, your whole life wont be a regret. Therefore you wont die with the stinging agony of feeling something isn’t right or unfinished.Image

The Festival Internacional Cervantino is a month of culture, art, music, and food held in Guanajuato, Mexico. It unites countries from Austria to Japan and Mexico itself. Its a way to learn about the world around you and divert into a world of enjoyment. The Festival Internacional Cervantino starts and ends in October and repeats itself with new countries each year. Everyday and night hundereds of people from all over the world come and expierience this jamboree of music and culture. My dad worked as the sound engineer for the festival ever since he was a teenager and always told me about his stories and adventures. He meet people from all over the world and got to explore and learn about the peoples heritage. Every story he revealed to me made me want to go even more. Hearing his stories just illuminated my mind into thinking theres so much more to the world, and theres so many places to see that spending life just living day to day isnt enough for me. I want to actually live, not just wake up and say i lived a day but actually go to bed knowing im living my live to the fullest potential.



The Hanging Temple of Hengshan is one of the most interesting and astonishing temples ive ever seen. Of course other temples are fancier or have more detail but none of them are built on the side of a mountain. It stands or shall I say hangs at 246 feet from the ground! This temple dates back to 1,500 years ago and still holds its same structure. Not only would it be an amazing view but also an amazing expierience. The temple started to interest me as we were learning about Buddism in World History. The religion seems like it would be very spiritual and moving so i started to do research on it, and i happend to come across this image. The monks centuries ago would meditate and experience a strong sense of tranquility in the temple of Hengshan. The temples holds tours and walk threws and is said that if you find your serenity you find yourself at a moment of full peace. 


Antique Shop In India


Antiques in something that really interests me. Having a decoration or a piece of furniture from years ago maybe even centuries is really cool. Its like your holding a piece of history that has somehow impacted someone else’s life years ago. Ever since i was a little girl my parents took me with them to go antique shopping. I was blown away by how many items there were from around the world. I thought of it as each piece having its own personality that spoke to you. Throughout the years I ended up falling in love with it, and now im the type of girl who would rather go antique shopping than going to the mall searching for a pair of shoes. My favorite type of antique are the ones that contain Indian origin. Thiers something about their color and design that pulls me towards them. So before I die theirs no question in my mind that you wont find me shopping the streets of india looking for the next antique in my collection.

Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights can be seen on the internet, in pictures, or in paintings. The captivating lights create a mystical aurora of energy and color that is extremely beautiful to the human eye. The whole experience of just being under the stars and night sky are an amazing view on its own. The idea of seeing miraculous colorful lights just pass by your head is something that everybodys eyes need to see. Ever since I saw a picture of these mysterious lights in a magazine, I knew that before I died my eyes would be experiencing that same beautiful image in real life.


Tikal was and ancient mayan city that left the world with its mysteries and wonders of the mesoamerican Tikal Pyramids. The tallest pyramid of all was the Tikal Temple IV standing at 212 feet! Surounded by the tropical forests and the ancient ruin city couldnt make this a better place to experience serenity and not to mention an amazing view. To me the idea of being where an ancient civilization was, and knowing that the steps  you take were once the steps that the ancient people walked on is a pretty fascinating idea. Especially since being hispanic, its almost like Im connecting with the people of my past. Every civilization has an immense history but by looking at these gems called temples, you can really tell a lot about their culture and the people. And by what i can tell is that the mayans were not afraid of heights.

My Bucket List

Sit at the top of the Pyramid Tikal.

See the Aurora Borealis.

Antique Shop in India.

Visit the Hanging Temple Of Hengshan.

Spend a Month at the Festival Internacional Cervantino.